When you first connect your AirPods to an Apple TV, a handy volume bar will also appear.Select them with your Remote and pop them into your ear for a quick connection confirmation noise. If you open the lid to your AirPods case, you will see that they have been assigned a name in the available devices list.Above that will be the Headphones list, where you might be able to see other AirPods in range, if they’re connected through your Apple TV.
How to connect Apple TV to previously paired AirPods In this case, you’ll still need to go through the above steps in order to re-pair.If you select your AirPods in that menu, it will take you to a menu where you can disconnect them from the Apple TV when done, or unpair them completely from that Apple TV.Step 4: Pair your AirPods to your Apple TV In there, you’ll be able to see any AirPods already linked to the Apple TV on My Devices or Other Devices.Step 3: In the Settings list, look for Remotes and Devices With your remote, find the silver gears icon on your apps screen and click it.Step 2: Choose “Settings” when opening the Apple TV Then ensure they’re not already paired to any of your other devices before trying again. Start with linking your AirPods to Apple TV by putting them in their case.If you haven’t yet paired your AirPods or are experiencing issues pairing, try manually. Here’s how to pair your AirPods manually with your Apple TV, step by step. Choose “Apple TV” and this will route audio through the Apple TV. To disconnect, head back to the quick menu by holding Play on your remote. Select them to connect and route audio via your headphones instead of speakers or receiver. You should see a list of available wireless devices appear including your AirPods. From here, select “Devices and content” from the menu that appears. To connect AirPods to Apple TV, you will need to press and hold the PLAY menu button on your TV remote. However, this only works if you have the AirPods case open (so that they are awake) or in your ears already. Connecting your AirPods to Apple TV is easy through a handy shortcut. If you’re logged in to a second device with the same Apple ID, your AirPods should automatically connect. When you pair your AirPods with an iPhone or iPad, iCloud will share the connection among other linked devices. Since tvOS 11, once you pair the AirPods to an Apple ID, setup should be easy.