Players must have logged out of the game outside any instanced areas.At least three days must have passed since the Home World Transfer Service was last used.
Players should have active FFXIV accounts: free trial, free login, and suspended accounts are not eligible.There are also additional requirements for all players: In other words, players should be careful what happens to their furniture in Final Fantasy XIV. Players should not be designated housemates of anyone on their Friends list.If estates have been automatically relinquished, player characters cannot have housing items or a Chocobo in the care of the Resident Caretaker or Housing Enthusiast NPCs.Transferring back to the previous Home World before the lottery period ends will reinstate it. The character’s housing lottery entries will be invalidated with no refund, and characters will be unable to enter a new lottery until a new lottery entry period starts.In these cases, land or housing will be automatically relinquished, existing estates will be demolished, and the player will be reimbursed up to a max amount of 999,999,999 Gil. Some campaigns have specific requirements regarding ownership.The character must give up ownership of any land, estate, or housing unless they are being transferred to a New World or from a Congested World to a Preferred World.Even if you purchase one from MogStation, you earned't end up being able to make use of it until you've acquired your chocobo permit.Extra requirements also exist for players involved in Final Fantasy XIV’s housing market: If you're also looking to uncover traveling, you Have got to perform the pursuit.

As someone mentioned you will get a great deal for free of charge in video game for all various kinds of articles story quests, silver saucer,achievement rewards, beast tribes, trials, raids right now there really is certainly an prosperity of free of charge types in game many of which are very easy to obtain right now. While the ones on the mog station are good I would hold off on spending real money on them until you progress (unless you actually can't reside without one I mean as shortly as the fat moogle made an appearance I has been already catapulting my cash at SE). The pursuit you do to uncover mounts will actually provide you one to begin with therefore you wear't have to be concerned about unlocking mounts and not getting one to make use of.